Friday, April 1, 2016

Weight Loss?

Currently I am on a weight loss journey after having had my sweet little one  18 months ago!
Just to give some perspective to this journey I suppose we have to start from the beginning!
All through high school I weighed 160. No matter what I did I could not gain, or lose, weight. My periods were crazy and that is just how it was.
When I got married in 2011 at the age of 19, I began the Insanity program and a strict diet to try and lose weight. It did nothing for me. In fact, I was 3 weeks into the program and I actually started putting on weight. No it was not muscle. It was fat. So I went to see the doctor about it. This was not supposed to happen!
The doctor began by testing my thyroid and sure enough my levels were off. They started me on synthroid and I was excited to finally start seeing some results and feeling better.

Fast forward a couple months and I had put on 30 pounds, I was tired, emotional and depressed. Clearly this was not working for me! I decided that I would stop taking synthroid and try it again on my own.

It didn't help. I was feeling helpless and didn't know what to do. I was 200 pounds, tired, depressed, and I wanted to have a baby!

Things continued the same for a while, I kept gaining, nothing was helping and it wasn't looking good. In December of 2012 we found out we were pregnant. I was beyond thrilled. All I ever wanted was to be a mommy! It was the best day of my life and I couldn't believe it was finally happening for us. Later that night I had a miscarriage.

At that point we decided I needed to see a doctor. We went to a specialist where they decided I needed to go back on my synthroid and they were sure that would help.

This time I did not have an adverse reaction, thankfully, but 6 months went by and I still was not losing weight and I still wasn't pregnant. I then began to start having a pain where my ovaries were and my periods were becoming unbearable.

I started doing research into what it could be and I came to the conclusion that I had ovarian cysts. I went to the doctor with my findings and my symptoms and she agreed to send me in for tests and an ultrasound.

Turned out I was right. I had pearl like cysts lining my ovaries. Know what that means? PCOS.

It took us another year of tests, metformin, and an HSG. Then we took Clomid one cycle and we conceived!
I went on to have a great pregnancy, till the end when I developed pre eclampsia.

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