Saturday, June 6, 2015

Burg Nanstein Castle

Today our Benjamin turned 8 months old! So we decided to head on up to Burg Nanstein Castle to take his 8 month pictures. Why? Because who else gets to take their monthly pictures at a castle?!

This is my first time making and editing a video. Don't judge. XD

Benjamin is 8 months old!

My sweet little miracle baby turned 8 months old today. I cannot believe how fast time flies. He brings such joy to our lives with his happy go lucky attitude!
This month he learned how to drag himself across the floor! He can successfully drink water from a sippy cup and loves to eat puffs! He has tasted many different foods and am happy to report that he loves anything he can eat. LOL

I cannot attest to how much he weighs or how tall he is, we have no measuring tape or scale, but I do know that he is mostly wearing 12-18 month clothes. How is this happening??

Breatfeeding is still going wonderfully and my little man loves to snuggle and nap...a lot!

Today we went and took his 8 month pictures at a castle and I think they turned out pretty well!